The Position Plot node plots the potential function, probability density, the real and imaginary parts of a wave function, and the expectation value of position (\langle x \rangle) and its standard deviation.
The node has the following inputs:
This plot consists of check-boxes corresponding to different functions, which can be selected to visualize them.
The different check-boxes/functions from top to bottom (with required inputs in parenthesis) are:
Additionally, the $y$-axis limits can be set to any limits and reset to the original scale. The plot can be saved and the data can be exported as a $.csv$ file.
The output of the node is the visualization in the plot based on the inputs and selection of the check-boxes.
In the example below, the harmonic oscillator potential has been plotted along with a superposition state (linear combination of the first two eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator) as selected in the check-boxes. The probability density, real part and imaginary part of the state are denoted by the blue, green and red curves respectively.