Our Team

We're passionate about building products that students and researchers will love.

Jacob F. Sherson, Professor MSO, Physics

Carrie Weidner, Postdoc, Physics

Simon Goorney, Physics Education Researcher

Former Quatomic Employees

Jens Jakob Sørensen, PhD Student, Physics

Birk Skyum, MSc Student, Nanoscience

Till Heinzel, Research Assistant, Physics

Florian Korsakissok, Research Assistant, Physics

Jesper H.M. Jensen, PhD Student, Physics

Shaeema Zaman Ahmed, PhD Student, Physics


If you have questions regarding Quatomic products, email Carrie at cweidner@phys.au.dk.


The project is based at Aarhus University, Denmark.



We'd like to these foundations for making Quatomic possible.